Friday, October 31, 2014


Should Americans be concerned with the Ebola virus? Did you know that E.V.D or Ebola has been around for more than thirty years so that means there is an abundant of knowledge to be gained from studying the past outbreaks. Knowledge that America could use to stabilize and drawback the nonfatal virus. There are a plentitude of reasons why Americans shouldn't be worried about the not so dangerously, non lethal disease.

One reason is that America has outstanding healthcare and has invested a lot in our health benefits. American is a highly developed country and is alway ready for daunting and unwilling task. For example when the few ebola patients came back to America they were treated right away with extreme caution and even a few survived under Americas intense care. We Americans are very fond of our healthcare and we should have plenty of confidence in taking care of this Ebola issue. The real questions that should be at hand are, when will we find the vaccine or how could we annihilate this disease from this planet?

Another reason why america shouldn't be concerned is that Ebola is not as significant as the other disease that plagued american once before or that still is. There are many disease that are detrimental to one health that are way more infectious than Ebola such as Swine-flu, West Nile virus, HIV/AIDS, and Influenza. Did you know that the outbreak of Influenza killed about 100 million as of the Ebola virus outbreak killing around 800 so I would say Ebola is not as contagious as other diseases. Some might say that we should be fully concerned about Ebola but I strongly disagree with them under many circumstances.

So Instead of be so concerned with Ebola we should challenge our selfs to see how fast we could come up with a vaccine under our great healthcare but it shouldn't be top priority. There are many other disease and generally other problems that we face that we need to deal with first before they get out of hand.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Reading Life

1: My reading life has improved abundantly this year, I have read only like 3 books last year but now I'm reading plenty of books this year and I am constantly reading new books to build up a reading habit.

2: I have read about 5 books so far there titles are Once, Then, The Graveyard Book, The Extra, and The 100 Most Disgusting Things On The Planet and the list is gradually getting bigger.

3: Last year, wasn't the most spectacular year for me in terms of reading books I read a whopping,outstanding grand total of three books last year, I'm not proud of it and I know I can do better from the help of Ms. Rasmussen.

4: I have learned that I have a passion for reading adventures and books about history and the holocaust. Now that I know this information it would easy for me to pick out the most interesting books that I would read.

5: The most difficult book I have read so far is The Grave Yard Book because I had trouble with the vocabulary and understanding what the words mean. The strategy I used to read threw the book was that I would look up the words that I had difficulties with and try to understand those words.

6: I always read straight when I arrive at home so I won't forget to read and I also take notes on what I'm reading.

7: I most definitely need to work on building up my null vocabulary and to do that I would need to get vocabulary words from the books that I read.

8: My reading goals are reading around twenty to thirty books this year and also to put more words into my vocabulary.

Awsome stomach growling as if it were a wolf on the prowl. The smell of the wonderful aroma coming from the food that would eventually arrive tortures me. The taste of emptiness and sheer bitterness. I can hear what would be a memory of me crunching and munching and my stomach being at ease. I rub my stomach, feeling the rumbling and deep sorrows my stomach makes longing for food. Feeling so hollow inside that I can eat a whole cow, elephant, and horse. There are only minutes left until mother walks through the door giving me an abundance of exhilaration. There are only minutes till ll I get to stuff my face full of the marvelous food that I would undoubtedly enjoy. Counting down with such celerity to what would be a marvelous moment. I can hear it, the rumbling of the stairs as my mother walks up them. I opened up the bags, took the food out, and ate with such haste to feel the void from inside. You are the most greatest mom on this planet, no in this universe and you truly make this moment awsome.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Why Does Community Matter?

Being a community matters in many ways more then one. One way it matters is because it it helps us get done more quickly with hard tasks because we're are all working together not like a community but like a team. Another way it matters is it helps us communicate better with each other so we stay connected and we can give each other a helping hand if needed.

For example like cleaning up the neighborhood or your school if we all pitch in and help as a community we could have the city looking very clean. Or if  someone in a my class needed any help with any problem or situation then I can help that person. Some might say that " being in a community doesn't matter at all but I disagree with them. If a person were to be working all individually

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Visa Go World Video and Writing Process

Visa Go World Video

I have had an abundance of ideas for my go world story. I only chose one event that had the most greatest impact in my life. Of course that was the time I got awarded the Avid scholarship. I used words like abundance, hardworking, and desired to give the story more emotion. I wanted to show the audience the toughness it took to get caught up but very surprisingly unexpected I got awarded a scholarship. I felt like listing all the classes I had to catch up in to put more emphasis to my story. I had to write only one rough draft but I didn't do it when it was due the first time because I was pondering for  the words I used to make my story complete.

I've got plenty of helpful feedback from my wonderful and marvelous teacher Ms. Rasmussen by going to tutoring. The feedback was very positive because she helped me with the idea of listing all of the classes. The process I undertook was getting my video made in Animoto and picking the background, music, and pictures for my story. I was absolutely pleased with my product because I felt as if the video showed a great deal of my personality. It felt like lifting a bolder off my shoulders and it gave me relief once I've finished my video. To conclude it felt like people know me more because of the go world video we were grateful to make. I felt much closer to my classmates.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Micro Aggression

People tend to ask question in order to learn more about other people. I disagree with Walsh on he says that Americans are the most micro aggressive people on earth. He say that " if it was a Olympic sport, we'd grab the gold,silver, and bronze prize every year". He also state that if it were a job, then we'd all be millionaires. Walsh is taking it way out of proportion and he is exaggerating.

When I ask people a question that would be offensive, some people embrace it and  willing to share there answer. For example if someone came up to me and  asked me a question like " where am I from?" That means they are eager to learn more about me and not to harm or offend me in anyway. We american people aren't always trying to be offensive we just feel the need to learn more about other peoples cultures,religion, and just there general background. It isn't a big deal like Walsh is explaining us to be.

People should just be more open so other people won't complain as much. I myself am a very nice person towards people. When I ask people a question that would be micro aggressive I always get positive feed back from that person. Some people may agree with Walsh but they are wrong!. Walsh's opinions about Americans is outright bogus.

1) You should ask questions and be more open.

2) You should be very kind towards people.

3) People should compliment each other.

4) Embrace people culture,religion, and background

5) Be very passionate with the people around you.